When government and philanthropy work together, L.A. gets better and stronger.
County departments work together more cohesively, systems innovate and deliver more effective services to families and youth, and we make progress toward dismantling the racist structures that created and perpetuate inequity. The Center helps our partners:
- Fast-Track Innovation. As of June 2021, we have engaged the funding community to invest more than $23 million in public sector innovation and systems change. With this support, our County partners test new policies and service delivery approaches that result in lasting change and better life outcomes for families.
- Catalyze Collaboration for Change. Our relationships and expertise allow us to break down siloes not just between public and private sectors but also among County departments. We also help foundations collaborate with each other to accomplish shared goals. Together, the sectors are now implementing innovations that will last for generations to come.
Further Together: Stories of Systems Change
Securing Child Care for Essential Workers During COVID
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, as schools and childcare centers closed their doors, thousands of essential workers scrambled to find reliable, affordable child care. L.A. County Department of Health Services Director Dr. Christina Ghaly turned to the Center and its philanthropic partners for help.